G_forcerespawn - Number of seconds until a client is automatically respawned, if the client doesn't do it by itself. G_motd - The message people will see on the bottom of the screen when they connect. Set m25 "map q3tourney6 set nextmap vstr m1" Set m24 "map q3dm19 set nextmap vstr m25" Set m23 "map q3dm18 set nextmap vstr m24" Set m22 "map q3dm17 set nextmap vstr m23" Set m21 "map q3dm16 set nextmap vstr m22" Set m20 "map q3tourney5 set nextmap vstr m21"

Set m19 "map q3dm15 set nextmap vstr m20" Set m18 "map q3dm14 set nextmap vstr m19" Set m17 "map q3dm13 set nextmap vstr m18" Set m16 "map q3tourney4 set nextmap vstr m17" Set m15 "map q3dm12 set nextmap vstr m16" Set m14 "map q3dm11 set nextmap vstr m15" Set m13 "map q3dm10 set nextmap vstr m14" Set m12 "map q3tourne圓 set nextmap vstr m13" Set m8 "map q3tourney2 set nextmap vstr m9" Set m4 "map q3tourney1 set nextmap vstr m5" Otherwise it would just play the same map again. When fraglimit or timelimit is reached, the map is automatically changed. This is what my FFA (Free For All) config file looks like: set sv_hostname "Foofighters FFA DM"

linuxq3ded +exec configfile.cfg to start the dedicated server and execute the specified config file. You can use q3config.cfg for general settings, and then another cfg on top of it. I recommend that you have different cfg's for different gametypes, for example ctf.cfg, ffa.cfg, and so on. The file q3config.cfg is always executed. All cfg's must be in the baseq3 directory. They contain all the variables the server will use (maps to be played, gametype, etc.). Now it's time to write some config files.